Disability Support Services

Seattle Pacific University has moved to remote instruction through Summer Quarter 2020.  Disability Support Services is available during this time to assist with disability-related needs or support. Please email dss@braelyngenerator.net with questions.

The University provides a variety of services for eligible students with disabilities. Any student with a documented physical, medical, psychological, or learning disability can schedule an intake interview with a staff person to determine the level of accommodation needed.

To receive assistance

To receive assistance, students must have diagnostic documentation according to documentation guidelines. This documentation should explain the nature and extent of the disability, and may include professional recommendations for support services.

A student with a disability is a student who qualifies for a disability under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act. Disabilities may include (but are not limited to):

  • Physical disabilities, such as sensory disabilities (hearing, sight, etc.), or motor disabilities
  • Medical disabilities, such as cystic fibrosis, fibromyalgia or diabetes
  • Psychological disabilities, such as depression, bipolar or obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Learning disabilities, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder

Braille campus map

Braille campus map

Accommodations available

The staff works with students to arrange needed accommodations based on provided documentation and individual needs. These accommodations may or may not include (but are not limited to):

  • Accessible classrooms and housing
  • Books and other printed materials in alternative format
  • Exam accommodations (such as extra time on exams or readers for exams)
  • Sign language interpreters or FM systems
  • Use of assistive technology
  • Communication with faculty and other offices on campus

While testing for disabilities is not offered by the University, referrals to community resources will be made when needed. Other special services may be arranged on an individual basis when appropriate.

These web pages are designed to help students and faculty better understand disability accommodations and processes for receiving accommodations.


Please contact us to make an appointment.

Disability Support Services

Email: dss@braelyngenerator.net
Phone: 206-281-2272
TTY: 206-281-2224
Fax: 206-286-7348
Office: Lower Moyer Hall

Four students walk down a covered sidewalk with their backs to the camera.

DSS mission statement

Disability Support Services recognizes disability as an important part of diversity on campus and integral to our community and our society. We aim to provide educational access through support, resources, advocacy, collaboration, and academic accommodations for SPU students with disabilities and to support an inclusive and equitable environment.